Thursday, November 30, 2006


Most of the video game faithful are waiting patiently to get a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. The veteran video game company's newest console is sleek, stylish and revolutionary.

The Wii remote and "Nunchuck" allow the user to interact with the system by moving his/her body instead of just the thumbs. I've been a fan of the idea behind Dance Dance Revolution - exercise as gaming - and this is an extension of that. Sounds fool proof right?

The website Wii Have a Problem is documenting troubles with the new hardware. Actually that's not acurate: it's really documenting troubles with people using the new hardware. Apparently people are having trouble with the safety straps breaking, the remote flying out of their hands and hitting things, and said things breaking. It seems like TVs are the most frequent targets.

I don't actually have a Wii yet, but I wonder how hard these folks are really swinging? I doub that it takes a lot of force to get your on-screen avatar to do what you want to do, and some of the folks actually admit to just getting angry and throwing them.

OK, that one is almost something that could be a valid complaint, but this one cracks me up. Daily Mail has this article about folks hurting their elbows playing with Wii. OK that was funny, but seriously - imagine a bunch of fat nerds finally getting some exercise and, lo and behold, their bodies are aching!

I suppose this is why they don't play REAL tennis.

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