Monday, March 12, 2007

300? More like 70 Million.

Frank Miller's 300 surprised everyone by opening in the middle of march at $70,000,000. To me, it proves a theory I've held fast for a while now: If you make a movie that isn't a piece of shit, people will go to the theaters to see it.

The "blogosphere" is a-buzz this morning about this movie. Some folks are saying "I told you so" while some folks are scratching their heads. I'm sure the suits in Hollywood are confused since they admitted on Box Office Mojo that they expected $30 Million (more likely, they expected 20).

Time will go on and movies will be made. Hollywood will learn nothing from what's going on right now and call it a fluke, all while blaming sagging box office on movie piracy of all things.

What's the real reason 300 was such a success? Surely the snobbish will say "Oh, that genre is hot right now" or "It was timed perfectly" or even "Comic movies always do well". I say that's all horse-shit.

300 took itself seriously, respected it's audience AND the graphic novel it came from, and was an example of good craft. When you put those things in the pot, what you get is something people want to watch.

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